It is not pleasing to train a catfish for more than six months and realizing at the end that what is left of your catfish would not even cover the cost of production even after selling your stock for a very high or maximum market price. Because of these, some catfish farmers will be thinking they stole their fish and even suspecting predators and their workers to be catfish thief, which may be true. But let me tell you most of these losses do normally occurs due to infection of the catfish eggs during hatchery process.  

Even as I explain in this article, some are yet to figure out the reasons why they lost a substantial proportion of the fish they started out with.

Most catfish farmers that have experienced what I have just explained have tendency to think someone has been stealing their fish why most people even blame it on their staff stealing their fish or even suspect on predators.
Most of these reasons might be true… but there are other reasons that can cause huge lost in catfish farming.

 Catfish farmer should be conscious of this effective and simple method which I will explain in this chapter if you want to increase the survival rate of your catfish, especially if you are one of those fish farmers growing catfish for profit.

If you don’t know what these other reasons are, you might be doing yourself damage or going on making the same mistake most catfish farmers are making and continue to make losing their catfish, money and wrongly accusing people, while a simple prevention like what I am about to share with you in a minute could possibly save thousands of your fingerlings and save you from a lot of trouble in the future plus possibly enabling you to make more money from your catfish farming business.

Most farmers hardly notice loses at the time of occurrence because these losses do not occur normally until about 3 to 5days after stocking up on the pond and the loss could go on occurring for up to a week resulting in substantial losses to the fish farmer.

Now because most of the stock that die do not necessarily come up to the surface of the water, many catfish farmers fail to notice that something can be wrong with their catfish stock. It is only when they drain the pond that some farmers notice they have far fewer stocks than they expected.

This is the reasons why some catfish farmers tend to think that they had lost their stock of fish to thieves which might be right…but one of the reason resulting in substantial losses of catfish to the fish farmer, is low fatality in grow out ponds and disease in catfish eggs.
 One of the major causes of low fatality in grow out ponds is the quality of the fingerlings stocked by the fish farmer.

Fingerlings are the livelihood of the catfish farming business, If you have bad quality catfish fingerlings, you might as well be throwing your money down the drain regardless of how good your other factors of production are. If you possess poor quality catfish fingerlings it will only result in disease, poor fish growth, low yield, poor feed conversion and very poor fish production resulting to loss of money to your business.

One of the most stressful times for fish is when you move them from one area to another i.e. transferring the fish from the hatchery or nursery to the grow-out pond. It is also why you are stocking the pond that the stress is most likely to occur.



Prevention methods when managing catfish egg disease and survival rate are as follows;


Your hand must be infection free, disinfecting the hatchery before the hatchery season, have separate nets and equipment for each hatching trough, disinfecting eggs masses before bringing them into the hatchery, as well as using pathogen-free water supply help prevents the introduction of infectious pathogen into the hatchery.
The goals of a good hatchery organized program should be to avoid disease and provide the most favorable environment for embryo improvement and survival.

As the years go by, boys will become men and idels will become indusries, but seed not planted today will never be harvest

the fact that you have very little resource to start does not mean there will be no bumper harvest tomorrow. nothing in life gets moving until you make a move, so give a start and invest in agriculture today, you will see success follows


  1. Waoooh after four days of hatchery ,i av nothing less dan 160,0000 peaces but just over 9t i don't know wat 2 say ,wat is left is let me say 7,000 if not less men .

  2. @owolabi...most of the hatcheries/catfish fry start to die the third day when they have absorbed the yolk. when you start feeding them that is when a stressful moment starts. this is especially caused by the water condition due to feed leftovers.
